Led by Dr. Garbis Der Yeghian, RAGFP Middle East Peace Initiative Chair and accompanied by Palestinian Peace Fellow, Reem Ghuniam, and Israeli Peace Fellow, Yuri Haasz as your local guides.
This second-annual trip serves as an opportunity for peacebuilders to reconnect with Rotary’s Peace Area of focus by advancing goodwill, gaining mutual understanding, and collaborating with peace actors in Israel and Palestine. RAGFP’s educational mission is to establish a citizen diplomacy approach to conflict where we meet, interact, and converse with Israeli and Palestinian grassroots peacebuilders to understand the current opportunities and challenges to Peace in the region. The group will be immersed between both cultures to create a better understanding as to how Rotarian peacebuilders can assist the local communities to advance peace on the ground.
The goal of this trip is to collaborate with Rotarians, locals, and peacebuilders on the ground to develop multi-district peace projects funded by Rotary’s Global Grants to wage peace in the local communities in the Middle East.
To learn more about the trip, visit the 2020 RAGFP Middle East Peace Education Trip webpage.
Check out our latest flyer below.
Middle East Flyer 2.10 (1)
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