Celebrate International Peace Day with Rotarian Action Group for Peace!

RAGFP Presents: International Peace Day 2019 Exclusive Webinar!

Celebrate International Peace Day with the Rotarian Action Group for Peace! Get inspired and learn from RAGFP’s exclusive webinar event for Rotarians and Peacebuilders on successful peace projects. Learn from our expert panel of inspiring RAGFP members and volunteers. The panel will be hosted and facilitated by RAGFP Executive Director Reem Ghunaim.

Our webinar features:

  1. How to motivate and engage your Rotary District.
  2. How to create more sustainable peacebuilding projects in your District.
  3. Successful Rotary project examples lead by our panel.
  4. An open Q+A session with our panel.

Date and Time

Saturday, September 21st @ 10:00 AM (PDT)


Tickets are discounted for International Peace Day at $10! Don’t wait — We only have 100 seats. Register today to reserve your spot!

Once you’re registered, you’ll receive a Zoom Meeting invitation for the Webinar event!

*Proceeds support the RAGFP’s mission to educate, engage, empower and support Rotarian Peacebuilders worldwide.