By Arnold R. Grahl, May 15, 2015, published in Rotary News
According to a 2012 report by UNICEF and the World Health Organization, Ghana has made great strides in providing its people with clean drinking water. But access to better sanitation has lagged.
Only about 14 percent of Ghanaians have access to improved facilities, compared with the 54 percent target set for 2015 by the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. Addressing the issue isn’t simple, as pit latrines need emptying, toilets need maintenance, and promoting hygiene requires education.
The H2O Collaboration, a partnership between Rotary and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), is working to alleviate the problem. Between 2009 and 2013, the collaboration invested $2 million in water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives in Ghana, along with equal amounts in the Dominican Republic and the Philippines.
In Ghana, the effort resulted in 57 boreholes, 20 wells, latrines for 41 public schools, three public toilet and shower-block units, and three mechanized water supply and distribution systems for rural communities.
In each community, Rotary members and USAID partnered with Ghana’s Community Water and Sanitation Agency to set up local water and sanitation committees that assume ongoing oversight of the improvements. They have also worked with the country’s Ministry of Education and its local affiliates to promote a health curriculum that teaches the importance of hand washing with soap, safe water storage, and use of improved household latrines.
The collaboration is poised to enter its second phase this year with commitments of $4 million each in Ghana, the Dominican Republic, the Philippines, and Uganda.
Read the full article here.
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