Rotary Highlights RI Toronto Fellowship Events
By Rotary Service and Engagement, Published in Rotary International Rotary offers endless opportunities to connect with others who share similar passions within your club and district. Every year, many Rotary Fellowships meet at the Rotary International Convention to reconnect with old friends a make new ones while participating in an activity or exploring a shared interest! If you are attending the 2018 Toronto Convention, be sure to visit the House of Friendship to network with these groups. Visit RAGFP in the House of Friendship booth 317. Download the Convention Events and Booth Exhibit Guide to find Rotary Fellowships that share your interests and expertise.
RAGFP Presents Rotary’s Peace Vision to Palestinian Community Leaders
By Rotarian Action Group For Peace, February 2, 2018
The new year provided dynamic opportunities for Rotarian Action Group For Peace to share Rotary's vision of peace. In January, RAGFP Executive Director Reem Ghunaim conducted a whirlwind "peace tour" in her home country of Palestine. RAGFP's mission of supporting Rotarian peacebuilders was both accepted and appreciated in a part of the world that is "hungry for peace."
RAGFP Joins Districts 7600 & 7610 to Build Peace
Published in D7600 Rotary Foundation News
A number of District 7600 Rotarians joined Rotarians from our neighboring District 7610, at a Peace Conference in Fredericksburg last week.
Rotary Announces 2017 “Champions of Peace”
September 21, 2017, Published in Rotary International
Rotarian Action Group For Peace is proud of the "Champions of Peace" 2017! Two of this year's award-winners have strong ties with RAGFP.
Introducing the New Peace Pole Map!
Please view and explore our new Rotary Peace Poles Map!
By using the map, you are able see the location where each of the 121 peace poles are planted. You can use the map to enter in your own location and find the nearest peace pole to you!