Petition Calls for General and Complete Disarmament

The Global Harmony Association (GHA) is collecting signatures for a [...]

Where’s the Money? World Military Expenditure in 2012

Stockholm, 15 April 2013 - World military expenditure totalled $1.75 [...]

How to sell Big Macs in India: A lesson for social entrepreneurs

Social enterprises often takes their cues from venture capital, but [...]

Nonviolence. Yes, it is working in Kenya!

‘Our colonial masters were brutal in their governance. The independence [...]

Turning the Tide

‘Our colonial masters were brutal in their governance. The independence [...]

Editorial: The prehistory of war fever

As we approach the hundredth anniversary of the First World [...]

Daniel Hunter: Strategy and Soul

Book Review Daniel Hunter: Strategy and Soul It is an [...]

8 great talks on war and peace

“Walls don’t work,” James Stavridis declared at TEDGlobal 2012. A [...]

Playlist: 12 powerful talks on terrorism

With just over a month to go before the 2012 [...]

Video: ‘Why I organized a TEDx in Baghdad’

In this exclusive (unedited) video from TEDxSummit this spring, Yahay [...]