Meet Rotary Peace Fellow ElsaMarie D’Silva
ElsaMarie D’Silva is Rotary Peace Fellow, Light of Freedom Award winner, and RAGFP member.
She is the founder and CEO of Safecity, an organization working to end sexual harassment and domestic violence in India and 50 cities around the world. She currently works to improve the lives of women, youth and senior citizens through awareness, interaction, and education.
Safecity is making a difference in India, where an assualt occurs every 20 minutes. Their mission is to “make cities safer by encouraging equal access to public spaces by everyone especially women, through the use of crowd sourcing and technology.”
Their work has led police in Mumbai to change beat patrols, and police departments in Delhi, Goa, and Pune are now accepting monthly trend reports of Safecity data. Over 15,000 women have attended awareness workshops partnered by her organization.
ElsaMarie is an example of how Rotary Peace Fellowships provide the training and tools for young people to impact our world.
We congratulate her for making a difference as a Rotary Peace Fellow and champion for peace.