Meet Rotarian Peacebuilder Rehmah Kasule
The Honourable Rehmah Kasule is a Rotarian, highly awarded world peace leader, and RAGFP member.
She is currently a student of Peace, Conflict and Development at the University of Bradford in England.
Ms. Kasule is a past President and current International Relations Director of the Rotary Club of Kampala-Impala.
As a coveted international speaker, she is invited to speak around the world about peace and personal empowerment. Her past speaking engagements have including TEDx, Fortune Most Powerful Women’s Summit, World Islamic Economic Forum, and the UN High-Level Dialogue for SDG’s. She is the founder of CEDA International-Uganda, and currently leads a new peace initiative called Youth4PeaceUnganda aimed at “multiplying faces and amplifying voices of youth in peace building.” Read her Biography.
Her work was recognized by President Obama in 2010, for inspiring, mentoring and providing life skills to over 38,000 people in secondary schools, universities, out-of-school youth, women leaders and entrepreneurs. She works tirelessly to empower women and youth around the world. Ms. Kasule represents Rotary International with distinguished honor and dignity.