The Rotary Action Group for Peace proudly presents the first Legacy of Peace Award. This award is bestowed on Rotarians and peacebuilders who have demonstrated through their exemplary leadership an enduring and impactful commitment to the enhancement of world peace.
We are excited to honor our inaugural recipient, Albin “Al” Jubitz, Jr. As co-founder of the Rotary Action Group for Peace, Al has dedicated his life to fostering peace. It is only fitting that we show our appreciation with a donation to support the wonderful work he founded.
Date: Saturday, December 5, 2020
When: 2:00 pm PT
Where: Zoom
RSVP: Please send Wendy Mitchell RAGFP Development Officer, an email letting her know you would like to RSVP to the virtual ceremony.
We hope you will join us for this joyous occasion. Wendy Mitchell will be happy to speak with you about a donation honoring Al and to provide you with more information about the Legacy of Peace ceremony.
Please contact Wendy at [email protected]
Make your donation honoring Al using the button below.
Legacy of Peace Celebration Announcement
A Call for Al’s Nomination by Cynda Collins Arsenault
Dear Peacebuilder,
On behalf of the Rotary Action Group for Peace,* it is with great pleasure that I am announcing to you the launching of our new Legacy of Peace Award and the selection of its first recipient, Al Jubitz.
The Legacy of Peace Award is to be bestowed on Rotarians and peacebuilders who have demonstrated through their exemplary leadership an enduring and impactful commitment to the enhancement of world peace efforts. The moral and innovative public service provided by such individuals will have contributed to mutual understanding, and goodwill while advancing the prospects for a lasting civilization founded on the pillars for positive peace and the principles of global peace.
Each Legacy of Peace Award will include a framed biographic testimonial to the life and service career of the recipient. Over time, these recognition awards will not only represent an enduring collective history of outstanding Rotarian achievements in pursuit of world peace but will also provide the broader international community with an opportunity to contribute financially to the work of RAGFP.
I have known and respected Al over a period of many years. Let me just say a few words about him. “Al” Albin Jubitz, Jr. is a native Oregonian with a passionate appreciation of the peaceful beauty of the Pacific Northwest. He has dedicated his life to fostering peace through his efforts in Rotary and as President of the Jubitz Family Foundation. His interests in finding alternatives to war and violence led him to create the War Prevention Initiative through his Jubitz Family Foundation and to cofound the Rotary Action Group for Peace.
I am, of course, thrilled to have been asked by the Rotary Action Group for Peace to share this wonderful news about the new award program with you. I am also pleased to offer in return a $5,000 donation to RAGFP in honor of Al. At this time, I am asking you to consider making your own donation to them in support of their work and their celebration of Al’s leadership. I hope my lead gift will inspire you and others to donate generously in recognition of his passion for peacebuilding.
We will be honoring Al at a special Zoom event to be held on Saturday, December 5, 2020. I hope you will join us for this joyous occasion. To this end, I am working closely with Wendy Mitchell, RAGFP Development Officer, who will be happy to speak with you about a donation in recognition of Al’s dedicated work and to provide you with further information about the upcoming zoom event in his honor. You can contact Wendy at: [email protected]
Thank you in advance for your generosity and for believing in our important and impactful work.
Warmest regards,
Cynda Collins Arsenault
Founder, Our Secure Future – Women Make the Difference

Couldn’t make the virtual ceremony? Watch the recording below!