Alessandro Bruni
Rotarian Action Group for Peace At-Large Director
Viterbo Rotary Club (Italy)
District 2080
He is the Founder and President of Mediators Beyond Borders International, Italy Professional Chapter, the first MBBI Professional Chapter outside the US. He is a professional mediator and arbitrator since 1996, and an international professional civil and commercial mediator and arbitrator, accredited in Italy (Ministry of Justice), Belgium (Commission fédérale de médiation), UK (Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators), France (Conference Internationale de la Médiation Judiciaire – CIMJ and Groupement Européen des Magistrats pour la Médiation – GEMME), India (Indian Institute of Arbitrators and mediators – IIAM). He is the also the Founder and Board Member of CONCILIA LLC.: the Italian leading ADR Provider, since 1999.
He has assets, such as trainer, several thousand hours of training in mediation, conciliation, conflict management, peace keeping, arbitration, neuro-linguistic programming, effective communication, and over 800 cases mediated in civil, commercial and family matters, including complex and multi-party mediations. He is also expert in social and environmental mediations and in EU financed Project.
The last European Funded project he is participating right now, as trainer, is called “Judicial Intercultural Communication in Family Mediation”, with the aim of improving judicial cooperation in civil matters between national judges and overcome the difficulties arising in practice in relation to family mediation in cross-border proceedings. In particular he was nominated for the workshop in Sofia (BG) of 2-5 June 2014, as head of the Italian delegation for the presentation of the data about the state of the art of mediation in Italy, and he has been enlisted as sole trainer for the workshop in Cluj-Napoca (RO) of 30 June-3 July 2014.
With CONCILIA and other partners he won a EU project named “Support the ADR in the Serbian Judiciary”, financed by the European Commission and the European Agency for the Reconstruction of Belgrade. During the last years he was nominated Mediation Key International Expert for some EU financed projects.
In 2009 he organized for CONCILIA LLC. an international conference in Lecce, Italy, hosting international speakers of MBBI and with the participation of more than 400 people; in 2010, he organized an international conference with the participation of a delegation of 20 international mediators to present the MBBI Italy Professional Chapter to the public and to the professionals in Rome, during a training course of CONCILIA LLC.
He is the second (of only three) Italian mediator to be accredited as “IMI Certified Professional Mediator”and he brought CONCILIA LLC. to become the first and only Italian ADR provider certified as “IMI Qualifying Assessment Program” by the Independent Standards Commission of the International Mediation Institute (IMI). He brought CONCILIA LLC. to be included in “The Wall of Peace”, as the sole Italian partner of Mediators Beyond Borders International (MBBI) for the spread of the 2013 MBBI Congress in Turkey. He has participated as judge in several editions of the ICC Mediation Competition.
Alessandro is a member and/or mediator and/or arbitrator in many national and international mediation and arbitration bodies (MCIArb, IIAM, LCIA-YIAG, ASA-below 40, ICDR-Y&I, ICCA-Young, ARBAut-YAAP, WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center’s list of arbitrators, Mediation Forum Ireland, Association of International Arbitration, CIMJ–Conférence Internationale de la Médiation pour la Justice, Curia Mercatorum, many Italian Chambers of commerce, Arbitral Chamber of the Italian Authority for Agricultural Supplies). He is one of the first Italian mediators and trainers in ADR accredited by the Italian Ministry of Justice and Professor of “Mediation and Conciliation”, and “Strategic Management of the H.R.” at The International Academy of Sciences of Peace, Rome; and former Honorary Fellow in “Mediation and Conciliation” at the University of Pisa (Sciences of Peace Centre).
He was lecturer in mediation and ADR systems for the Management Faculty of the University of Siena and the University of Viterbo; and he is lecturer of “Mediation Techniques” for EU funded programme named “European Mediation Training for Practitioner of Justice – EMTPJ” in Brussels (Belgium); for the “Summer Course on mediation, ADR and ODR”, organized by ERA – European Law Academy, Trier, Germany, and for the 2014 EU Financed Program named “Judicial Intercultural Communication in Family Mediation”, Sofia (Bulgaria) and Rome (Italy).
Mr. Bruni is also co-founder and former Member of the Executive Committee of the European Group of Magistrates for Mediation (GEMME), Italian Section; former Member of the ADR Commission of the Rome BAR; Founding Member and Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conférence Internationale de la Médiation pour la Justice (CIMJ), France. In 2009 he was the sole Italian speaker at the CIMJ Conference in Paris and in 2011 he participated to the second CIMJ Conference in Martinique Island. He is member of the Directive Counsel and international mediator with the Italian Society for the Resolution of Conflicts (SIMED).
He was the only Italian mediator accredited to the UN Environmental Forum of Copenhagen, and speaker of the World Forum of Mediation Centres, organized every 9 months by the Union Internationale des Avocats (UIA). He participated, as representative for the European Law Students Association (ELSA), at the works of the UNCITRAL, Working Group II on international arbitration and conciliation, at the UN Headquarters, New York, NY (USA). He is the Coordinator of the ADR Committee of Avocats Sans Frontières, Italian Chapter and Vice-President of the Arbitral Chamber of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of Viterbo.
Mr. Bruni wrote more than 12 books, 2 codes and more than 80 articles on mediation, conflict management, arbitration and ADR, international private law and EU law, many of them translated in English, Romanian, French and Spanish.
Finally, he is a Scoutmaster with the European Scouts Association (FSE).