Isabel Cristina Martinez 

Board Member

District 4271


Contact Isabel



Isabel is Colombian. She is an accountant, MBA and the Vice President of Administration. She has experience in operations and business development. Horses, culture and literacy are her hobbies.

“My resume so far is the result of a lot of hard work, but also and mostly of the belief that only the sky is the limit. The challenges we face as women in the construction of peace is to start building a culture of peace. Most Colombians do not know what peace looks like because we have not known anything else in Colombia. In my country, about 260,000 people were killed and millions displaced in the 52-year conflict.
I am the leader of an amazing and inspiring Peace Project in Colombia! We are improving the life conditions of rural women affected by violence, thanks to the support of different Rotary Clubs. This is action and work in team! Sometimes the smallest things that often go unnoticed make the biggest impact.”

Isabel was a Rotaract before and is now proud to be Rotarian and more proud to be a Woman in Rotary.