UN General Assembly Vote Reflects Shift in Syrian Public Opinion

At the UN this past week a US-Qatari-Saudi drafted General [...]

Stephen Hawking’s Boycott Hits Israel Where It Hurts: Science

That the world's most famous scientist had recognised the justice [...]

India’s Child Soldiers: Thousands Recruited, Government Defends Record of Terror Groups before UN Child Rights Committee

Asian Centre for Human Rights (ACHR) today released its report, [...]

“Cuban Democracy” versus “American Democracy”

Part I of an interview with Arnold August, author of [...]

Mideast Backlashes Yet to Come

The Middle East is treading water these days. Two years [...]

TRANSCEND General Assembly in Germany, 16-18 Aug, 2013

Usually our general meeting occurs every two years. However, this [...]

At Universities, Too, the Rich Grow Richer

“Although many Americans believe their universities are places where administrators [...]

Where are the Nonviolent Alternatives to the Nine Proposed Military Bases in Afghanistan?

“Earlier this week, Hamid Karzai confirmed that the United States [...]

Building a Solar Economy: 4 Lessons from Hawaii

Hawaii generates more of its power from the sun than [...]

A 700-Member Time Bank in Central Vermont

A time bank where members exchange goods and services instead [...]