Energy Efficient Process Discovered to Turn Seawater into Freshwater

The new method - electrochemically mediated seawater desalination - uses [...]

General and Complete Disarmament in 50 Years on the Basis of Global Harmony

“We must shift the arms race into a peace race.”– [...]

Acting, Gaming, Simulating for Peace

Who says that violence is cooler and more fun than [...]

Helen Keller on Optimism

“Doubt and mistrust are the mere panic of timid imagination, [...]

Happiness on the Streets

The streets could be a good place for people to [...]

Countries Globalized But Education Lagging

Schools at all levels, particularly universities, could do more to [...]

Rapprochement of Cultures and Creative Education

The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed the Decade 2013-2022 [...]

Greek Solidarity with Struggling Turks

The Greek reaction to the Turkish upheaval: How these traditional [...]

How better-trained farmers are slowing Brazil’s deforestation

In Para, Brazil, farmers are turning a profit and the [...]

Independent UN Panel Calls for Diplomatic Surge to End ‘Daily Reality’ of War Crimes in Syria

With Syria engulfed in an escalating and increasingly brutal civil [...]