RAGFP Member leads the United Kingdom in Positive Peace through PeaceJam UK 


Rotarian Action Group for Peace (RAGFP) member Caroline Millman is an active Rotarian peacebuilder in the United Kingdom.

Caroline is Current Chair of PeaceJam UK. She is undertaking a Ph.D. in strategic planning within the volunteer service sector at Southampton Solent University. She is Past President of the Rotary Club of Ringwood and Past District Governor of District 1110. Her background is in training and development, project management, secondary and further education, and careers advice and guidance.  She has worked extensively with small and medium-sized businesses, coaching, mentoring and developing staff at all levels. She is serving in her third year as an Assistant Rotary Regional Coordinator, undertaking the role of Council on Legislation (COL) Representative for the second time, and is the COL Training Co-ordinator for Zones 17 and 18a, and she has been Co-Chairman of a Zone Institute (2017).

PeaceJam is an international education programme for schools and youth groups. It is unique as it is the only educational programme working directly with Nobel Peace Laureates. PeaceJam itself has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize seven times. Their aims are to teach and inspire a new generation to be active citizens and agents for change.

Nobel Peace Laureate Rigoberta Menchu Tum pictured with RAGFP Member Carolyn Millman (right).

PeaceJam UK Teaches Youth Positive Peacebuilding through Active Engagement

The PeaceJam program allows young people, ages 13-18, who learn about (and they can actually meet a Nobel Laureate) so they may understand that “change starts here.” The program teaches youth that one person can make a difference, whoever they are and whatever their background.

PeaceJam UK targets young people in secondary schools or youth groups from all backgrounds (but particularly they try to reach disadvantaged young people living in difficult and challenging circumstances) to teach key skills that enable them to bring about change in their lives. The program also attracts many gifted students and provides opportunities for young people to “meet and mix” with their peers from vastly different backgrounds.

They aim firstly, to enable young people to know that they have the power to effect change in themselves – that they have responsibility and efficacy and that violence is not always the answer to conflict. Secondly, they encourage young people to be active citizens and build their capacity to make a change in their schools or local neighborhoods and move forward from there to impact on the world around them for peace. Finally, their mission is to inspire them to inspire others for peace.

RAGFP also supports PeaceJam affiliates around the world. Many Peacejam leaders are Rotarians and RAGFP members. They are the very first source of peace education listed in our Peace Curriculum Matrix.

Caroline’s leadership of PeaceJam UK is an example of how RAGFP members and Rotarian peacebuilders lead positive peace in 74 countries around the world where our RAGFP members live.

As a Rotarian, she chooses to utilize her experiences in business to teach young people how they can develop a more peaceful world. Caroline currently works with PeaceJam UK to tailor teacher-friendly curricula materials, based on the lives of the Peace Laureates. All of their curricula features global “Call to Action” projects “aligned with high-quality service-learning standards and is linked to the One Billion Acts of Peace campaign established by the Peace Laureates.” Caroline is a model Rotarian peacebuilder because she considers service above self.

She joined RAGFP to be connected with other Rotarian peacebuilders in a global network of fellow peacebuilders, and we support all of our great members, such as Caroline, on various platforms offering education, empowerment, and engagement with other Rotarian peacebuilders. We are proud to honor this dedicated RAGFP member and demonstrate her outstanding leadership promoting positive Rotarian peace action in the United Kingdom.