Simplify, Unify, Engage
2017-2018 RAGFP Theme
Building peace in the world can seem like a daunting or even overwhelming task. To be successful, and not have our efforts die under their own weight, we need to simplify and streamline, unify and engage.
In simplifying, three things to focus on that are critical to sustainable peace are:
- Building Respect and Fairness
PEACE METRIC: Lack of respect – especially for freedom of belief and other basic rights of others is one of the principle markers for violence in a society.
- Building Connection and Community.
PEACE METRIC: Intergroup cohesion is the top indicator of peace in a society.
- Building Individual Empowerment and Responsibility
PRINCIPLE: You may not be responsible for world peace, but you are responsible for your piece/peace. (i.e. your piece of world peace and your own inner peace.)
Of course, RAGFP can have impact on building peace through educating, catalyzing, and cheerleading and by helping Rotarians engage in peacebuilding projects in their own communities and around the world. But our impact increases exponentially if we also provide a common unifying thread that all can rally around and be working on together – something that unites and inspires that we can build a movement around – something that establishes core values for a culture of peace. That thread is shared wisdom/shared light.
Increasing awareness of specific peacebuilding principles of Shared Wisdom/Shared Light and commitment to living them is likely the easiest and most reliable path to peace – the greatest hope for humanity.
Some objectives of engagement are:
- To have every Rotarian picture themselves as a peacebuilder,
- Establish the vision of “The Club is the Hub” for peacebuilding in the community,
- Help build a movement
- Help Rotarians maximize the peacebuilding impact of every project in all 6 areas of focus by incorporating the above principles.
Specific examples will be sent to RAGFP members shortly. We will keep you posted!