Peacebuilder Primer & Resources for Peacebuilder Clubs
Rotary Action Group For Peace (RAGFP) is a hub of resources and information for Rotarian peacebuilders, Rotary clubs and districts, Rotary Peace Fellows, and Rotarian peace entities worldwide who desire to create a more peaceful world. A central part of the mission of Rotary International is to empower Rotarians to advance understanding, goodwill, and peace. RAGFP has identified the simplify, unify, and engage approach which paves an effective and successful path to peace and non-violence. The following documents are resources for Rotarian peacebuilders and offer guidance in Rotarian peacebuilding efforts.
The RAGFP Peacebuilder Club Standards document outlines the responsibilities of each Peacebuilder Club and their Peace Committee to get acquainted with RAGFP’s Peace process. Please keep this document for the records of your Peace Committee.
RAGFP Peacebuilder Club Standards
This Peacebuilder Primer offers Rotarians the tools, a framework, and vision to effectively advance peace and increase peacebuilding impact. It is a helpful document on returning investments of time and resources in every Rotary project in all 6 areas of focus.
RAGFP Peacebuilder Primer
This document offers historical perspectives upon the peacebuilding mission of Rotary International. It highlights Rotarian peacebuilding milestones and provides effective Rotary principles that can enlighten Rotarians and Rotarian Peacebuilder clubs in future contributions to peace.
Rotary International and Its Contribution to Peace: Historical Milestones
This RAGFP brochure offers a synthesis of RAGFP’S peacebuilding mission. It is available to download and share with all Rotarian peacebuilders.
RAGFP Brochure