Peace Projects: Rotarian Action Group for Peace
Be sure to check out all the great Peace Area of Focus projects on the Rotary Showcase.
The Human Rights Pocketbook Project
The Human Rights Pocketbook Project provides an effective tool for Rotarians who care that links their historic legacy to their vision of action and peace, a caring economy, and ethical business.
Rotarian Youth Peace Leadership Initiative
The 21st century world calls for new forms of leadership. The Rotarian 10-4 Peace Team has identified peace leadership as a viable approach to the world's most pressing challenges. Rotary's youth network, including Rotaractors, Interactors, and Rotary Peace Fellows, can play a strategic role in Rotarian peace leadership.
2 for 2 Rotary Peace and Polio Challenge
World Peace Minutes Project, is annually done on Rotary’s World Peace and Understanding Day, 23rd Feb, at 12 Noon (GMT), when Rotarians along with invitees including Rotaractors and Interactors, united worldwide, practice a time synchronized 10 minutes of deep mindful silence, to bring peace unto ourselves thereby fostering World Peace, reaffirmed by taking a Peace Pledge.
International Training Institute Strengthening Women Peacebuilders: West Africa
Hold a Rotary VTT-International Training Institute for 30 peace-builders, to receive 2 sessions, 9 months apart, of 5-day intensive trainings provided by world-class, culturally diverse trainers from Mediators Beyond Borders International
The Portals Project at the 2018 Rotary Annual Conference in Toronto
Rotarians from around the world will have the opportunity to [...]
Gaziantep Integrated Inclusion Initiative
This program increases the inclusion of children with autism, learning differences, and trauma-related behavioral challenges in the classrooms, homes and community in Gaziantep, Turkey.
Warriors to Peace Guardians: Building Inter-Ethnic Collaboration
This project increases conflict resolution skills in Laikipia West’s 5 ethnic groups to collaboratively access development funding, improve the livestock economy, and increase resilience against violent conflict.
On Wednesday, May 24, 2017 at 12:00 P.M., the [...]
Solutionary Peace Walk & Festival
Solutionary Peace Walk & Festival is a celebration for PEACEing people and communities back together! Featuring peace walk, healthy food, eco-friendly exhibitors, live music, speakers, yoga, trivia, and kids' zone!