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Peace is Possible

Support the 2024 Rotary Convention:

Help build Singapore’s Internation Peace Park

Peace park logo

The Peace Park at the 2023 Melbourne Convention

A vibrant community space for connections, learning and fun for peace-minded Rotarians.

Stage with people

On May 27, 2023, the Rotary Action Group for Peace launched the inaugural Rotary Peace Park at the RI Convention in Melbourne. The Peace Park acted as a dynamic hub for the Rotary peace community hosting 31 speakers, inspiring over 650 messages of peace, connecting over 700 Rotarians to peacebuilding organizations around the world, and reaching over 108,000 people on social media.

There is a 2023 Rotary Peace Park report available if you are interested.

We are hard at work in making the 2024 Peace Park have an even larger impact on the Rotary Peace building community in Singapore. Please join us!

Panorama 1

The Objectives of the Rotary Peace Park are:

  1. Raise the profile of Rotary peacebuilding
  2. Inspire Rotary members to engage or deepen their involvement with peace activities
  3. Establish a shared community within the organizations, initiatives and action groups of the Rotary Peace ecosystem

The Rotary Action Group for Peace is currently accepting donations for the Rotary Peace Park at the Convention in Singapore.

Please donate to help make the 2024 Rotary Peace Park a reality.

2023 Peace Park Gallery

Stage/ Community Center:
The heart of the peace park featured 31 speakers who showcased their work on the stage that also served as a gathering and connecting point for attendees. VIP speakers included President Elect Stephanie Urchick + Past President Mark Maloney

Stage with Steph Urchick
Stage 1
Picture 1
Picture 2
Peace Poles 3

Stage/ Community Center:
The heart of the peace park featured 31 speakers who showcased their work on the stage that also served as a gathering and connecting point for attendees. VIP speakers included President Elect Stephanie Urchick + Past President Mark Maloney

Shared Studios Portal:
Over 750 attendees connected with peace organizations from 14 different countries using state of the art video equipment.

Portal 2
Portal 4
Portal 3