Erin Thomas
Honorary Board Member of Rotarian Action Group for Peace
Erin has a BA in International Affairs from The George Washington University and an MA in Peace and Conflict Resolution from the Universidad del Salvador in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she was a member of the Rotary Peace Fellow inaugural class. Her diverse career includes education program management with Mercy Corps, experience in charitable giving for Federated Department Stores, coordination of political campaigns, and a half decade working in Latin America in both government and NGO positions. Erin has served as a Community Builder Fellow for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as an Urban Community Development Volunteer for Peace Corps in Ecuador and she received a Leadership Development in Interethnic Relations Fellowship where she worked on community banking issues.
She and her husband live in Portland Oregon with their two children. Erin hopes the Rotarian Action Group for Peace will serve as the nexus point for Rotarians, Peace Fellows and peace activists and organizations worldwide to meet, collaborate and build peace together.