How to Become an Active Peacebuilder Club 

Rotarian Action Group for Peace is a strong believer and supporter of Peacebuilder clubs. Peacebuilder clubs play a vital role in sparking passion and a direction for peace within their own Rotary clubs, districts and communities. We encourage every club to take action, become a Peacebuilder club, and contribute to creating a more peaceful world.


We’ve designed an interactive Peacebuilder Club Map that highlights the growing number of Rotarian Peacebuilder clubs worldwide. It offers contact information so Rotarians may interact and share with one another about their peacebuilding efforts.

Peacebuilder Clubs Map


This document offers step-by-step guidelines and standards for organizing an active Rotarian Peacebuilder club. Rotary Peacebuilder clubs maximize the impact of every Rotary club project because they combine all six Rotary areas of focus on building community and peace.

RAGFP Peacebuilder Clubs Standards


The following form provides an application to become a successful and active Peacebuilder club.

Application to become a Peacebuilder Club


This Peacebuilder clubs brochure is a concise synthesis of Rotary’s peacebuilding mission and issues a call to action to establish Rotarian Peacebuilder clubs. It is available to download and share with all Rotarian peacebuilders.

RAGFP Peacebuilder Clubs Brochure