In February 2014 the Rotarian Action Group for Peace was incorporated as a legal entity, and as such we can now form an official Board of Directors. Our Leadership Team voted at the February 2014 Board meeting to adopt the following as our Board structure.

If you are interested in joining the Rotarian Action Group for Peace Board of Directors for 2014-2015, please send an email to Gordon Crann for the details on the positions and our nomination schedule: [email protected].

Board Structure Summary:

  • Board comprised of 15 Directors;
  • All 15 Directors are required to be Rotarians, with Rotarian family members and Rotaracters eligible for committee assignments;
  • All 15 Directors have full voting privileges;
  • The Directors will serve staggered three-year terms; 5 directors are to be elected annually at the General Membership Meeting to provide a degree of continuity on the Board.
  • At this time, there is a limit of 6 years that a Director can serve consecutively. This can be amended by a Board vote in the future.

1. Executive Board comprised of 6 Officers – Based on DGN-DGE-DG-PDG Rotary Model

The Executive Board will be comprised of 6 Officers, and is based on the DGN-DGE-DG-PDG model used by Rotary Districts around the world. The following Executive Officer positions are to be appointed by the Board annually from among the 15 elected Directors:

a)  Chair;

b)  Chair Elect;

c)  Chair Nominee;

d)  Immediate Past Chair;

e)  Secretary; and

f)  Treasurer.

The positions of Chair, Chair Elect and Chair Nominee will be one-year terms and rotate annually as is done for District Governors, District Governor Elects and District Governor Nominees in Rotary Districts around the world. When a person is appointed by the RAGFP Board to be Chair Nominee they are making a commitment to serve the next four years as they move through the Chair Nominee – Chair Elect – Chair – Immediate Past Chair system.

Chair: The Chair shall chair both the full 15-person Board of Directors and the Executive Board. If the Chair is absent or otherwise not able to chair a meeting of the Board or the Executive, then the Chair Elect shall chair the meeting. If both the Chair and the Chair Elect are absent or otherwise not able to chair a meeting of the Board or the Executive, then the Chair Nominee shall chair the meeting. The Chair serves as an ex-officio member with voting privileges of all Board Committees and of the Honorary Board.

Immediate Past Chair: The Immediate Past Chair shall Chair the Nominations Committee and the Honorary Board.

Secretary and Treasurer: While the Secretary and Treasurer positions are to be appointed annually, a person serving as Secretary or Treasurer can be reappointed each year until they reach the maximum of 6 continuous years of service on the RAGFP Board.

2. Executive Director to be Ex-Officio Member of Board & Executive

The RAGFP Executive Director will be an ex-officio member of the Board and of the Executive without voting privileges, in conformity with the RI RAGs Code of Policies. The Executive Director may be a member of the Rotarian Action Group for Peace if they meet membership requirements. The Executive Director is not required to be a Rotarian.

3. Non-Officer Directors to be Mix of Committee Chairs & Directors-at-Large

The remaining 9 Directors will serve as Chairperson of one or more committees, or serve as At-Large Directors. The Board will confirm the Committees and Committee Chair assignments on an annual basis. The recommended committees for 2014-2015 are listed in alphabetical order:

a)  Communications Chair;

b)  Funding Development Chair;

c)  Global Grants Chair;

d)  Membership Chair;

e)  Partnerships Chair;

f)   Peace Education Chair;

g)  Rotary Peace Fellows Integration Chair; and

h)  Social Media Chair.

The remaining non-officer director will serve as Director-at-Large.

Rotaractors and Rotary family members are allowed to become members of Rotarian Action Groups, and as such can participate in the above-noted Board Committees. They are not allowed to serve on the Board of Directors with full voting privileges.

Rotary Peace Fellows and Peace Fellow Alumni are not allowed to become members, serve as Directors or become official committee members in conformity with the RI RAGs Code of Policies.  At this time, Rotary Peace Fellows and Peace Fellow Alumni may only serve as ex-officio committee members without voting privileges.

There is a strong preference that the Rotary Peace Fellows Integration Chair should be a Rotarian who is also a Rotary Peace Fellow Alumni.

4. Honorary Board, likely to be formed in the 2015-16 Rotary Year.

The Honorary Board shall be chaired by the Chair Emeritus of the Rotarian Action Group for Peace, if there is no Chair Emeritus, by the Immediate Past Chair or Founding Chair will assume this role.

The Honorary Board shall be comprised of all Founding Officers and former Executive Officers who are not currently serving on the Board of Directors, Past Rotary International Presidents who highlighted peace during their Presidential terms, e.g. PRIP Tanaka and PRIP Wilkinson, plus the current Chair and Executive Director shall be an ex-officio members of the Honorary Board;

Former Executive Officers not currently serving on the Board of Directors shall be automatically appointed members of the Honorary Board while other Regular Members and Honorary Members may be appointed to the Advisory Board at the pleasure of the Immediate Past Chair for a one-year term and may be re-appointed for a maximum of three one-year terms, except for Past Rotary International Presidents who highlighted peace during their Presidential terms who will be appointed to life terms;

The function of the Honorary Board shall be to:

a)     to provide advice to the Chair, the Executive Committee and the Board in relation to the organization’s purposes as set out in Section 2.1 of the organization’s standard bylaws;

b)     to provide assistance to the Chair, the Executive Committee and the Board in relation to their communications with Rotary International and The Rotary Foundation;

c)     to provide assistance to the Chair, the Executive Committee and the Board in the creation of strategic partnerships in relation to the Corporation’s purposes as set out in Section 2.1 of the organization’s standard bylaws;

The Honorary Board shall meet:

a)     in conjunction with the annual Rotary International Convention and at other times as required at the call of the Immediate Past Chair;

b)     quorum shall consist of twenty percent (20%) of Honorary Board members plus one;

The Honorary Board shall provide an annual report to the Board and other reports as required from time to time to the Chair and the Executive Committee.