Past District Governor Dick Elixman served District 5100 as the Centennial District Governor in 2004-2005. He remained active in Rotary International on many levels. Regretfully PDG Elixman passed away unexpectedly in 2019 and his passing left a big void in our District, Zone and the International community.
Last year District 5100 created The Dick Elixman Award of Innovation to honor his legacy. We are starting the process to select this year’s award, and we are calling upon all Rotarians in our District help identify and nominate candidates for this unique award.
Nominations for The Dick Elixman Award of Innovation are now open*. Qualifying nominations should include outstanding projects in which your Rotary Club or members of your Rotary Club have been involved. Candidates and nominations eligible will be selected on the basis of exemplifying the one or more of the seven areas of focus of The Rotary Foundation that resonated with Dicks’ commitment to Service above self. The award will be given to a program that provides a solution to a community need. Please submit nominations to Liz at the District Office [email protected], or directly to the District 5100 Awards Chair at [email protected].
*To receive a full description of the criteria and description of The Dick Elixman Award of Innovation, contact Jeff Lines, the District 5100 Awards Chair at [email protected] .
Presentation of The Dick Elixman Award of Innovation for 2020-2021 will be at the District 5100 District Conference (April 29-May 2, 2021) which will be held in a virtual conference format.
Thank you for all you and your Clubs do to improve our communities and our world.
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