Celebrate the global impact of our collective peace action.
The 2021 Peace Dove Gala is a celebration of the impact of collective peace action cultivated and elevated by peacebuilders from around the world. The Peace Dove Gala is a welcoming occasion for Rotarians, Rotaractors, Peace Fellows, Clubs, and the global peace community to be inspired by the Peace Doves who are dedicated to making peace a reality for all.
June 30, 2021
5:00 pm PDT / 8:00 pm EDT / 1:00 am UTC+1
The 2021 Peace Dove Gala is open to all and admission is free. Donations are encouraged to help support the mission of RAGFP and our future peace initiatives.

About the Gala
The RAGFP’s Peace Dove Gala 2021 recognizes that everyone is a peacebuilder. It is through all of our collective actions, big and small, that create a lasting impact on global peace. As a participant, you will be a part of a historic celebration united with a global community dedicated to collective peace action. Witness the energy and commitment to peace by joining our monumental occasion recognizing the global effort to making positive peace accessible to all.
Who is a Peace Dove?
A RAGFP Peace Dove is a person or group who has demonstrated exceptional dedication to maximizing peacebuilding impact for communities most in need. They are peacebuilders with the unique combination of creative ideas, strategic use of resources, and wholehearted compassion to make peace accessible to the most vulnerable. Peace Doves go above and beyond to accomplish positive peace by enhancing the systems, structures, and attitudes that contribute to a community’s resilience to peace inequality manifested by conflict, oppression, or poverty.
Peace Doves cultivate a peace mindset that transforms into peace action. The Peace Dove advances their creative ideas for peace by engaging, educating, and empowering communities worldwide to create a lasting impact for peace. The work of Peace Doves reminds us that Peace is Possible
Nominate a Rotarian, Rotoractor, Peace Fellow, Peacebuilder Club, or non-Rotarians Peacebuilder today who you believe embodies the spirit of a RAGFP Peace Dove. See the Nomination Criteria and Nomination Form below.
Meet the Peace Dove Finalists!
Check out the profiles of the 2021 Peace Dove Finalists.
Peace Dove Nomination Criteria *UPDATED*
Nomination Deadline extended to April, 20th 11:59 pm PDT
The 2021 Peace Dove Gala is honoring 5 categories of Peace Doves: Rotarian, Rotaractor, Peace Fellow, Non-Rotarian, and RAGFP Peacebuilder Club*
Nominations can only be made by RAGFP members. Although preferable, individual nominations do not need to be affiliated with RAGFP. The RAGFP Peacebuilder Club category must be nominations of Rotary or Rotaract Clubs who are certified RAGFP Peacebuilder Clubs.
A Nominator can submit as many Nominees as they would like, however, duplicate nominations by the same Nominator will not be considered.
* RAGFP Peacebuilder Clubs nominations will utilize the same form. In the Nominee information section, please submit the name of an individual person who will represent the Peacebuilder Club at the Peace Dove Gala. The Peace Dove Award for Peacebuilder Club will be bestowed upon the entire Club.
Each Peace Dove Nominee must embody the spirit of the RAGFP Peace Dove. The Peace Dove Nominees are individuals or clubs that hit top marks for the following peace criteria:
- Demonstrate the Peace Mindset through creativity, resourcefulness, and compassion
- Maximizes the Peacebuilding Impact in any of Rotary’s Seven Areas of Focus
- Contributes to the resilience of a vulnerable community or communities
- Advances Positive Peace at any level
Peace Dove Nominations should embody the spirit of the Peace Dove. To complete the nomination application, please provide us with information that relates to the work of the Peace Dove Nominee by using our online nomination form.
Using the online form, you can either:
- Submit and upload a Nomination Letter (in section 4). The Nomination Letter should summarize the main elements of the Peace Dove nominee’s credentials. If you choose to upload a nomination letter, please skip section 3 of the application form. You do not need to answer any of the questions in section 3 of the nomination form if you provide a nomination letter.
– OR –
- Utilize section 3 of the form and select 3-5 questions to complete the Peace Dove Nomination. The answers to the selected questions should summarize the main elements and peace actions of the Peace Dove Nominee. You do not need to answer all 9 long-form questions to complete the application.
When applicable, please use examples of stories, anecdotes, statistics, etc. to help support your explanations.
Please read the full Peace Dove Nomination Criteria here or at the link below:
Peace Dove Nomination application deadline has been extended to April 20, 2021 at 11:59 pm PDT.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorships are an opportunity for individuals, groups, and corporations to support the mission of RAGFP and join in celebrating Peace Doves everywhere.
Sponsorships can be contributed individually or as groups. All donations over $500 will be recognized in the Gala Program. To discuss individualized giving opportunities, please contact RAGFP Development Officer Wendy Mitchell via email at [email protected]
Virtual Gala Tables
Individual ($5,000)
A sponsored table is a zoom break-out room for up to 12 people. The donor is invited to sponsor a table in honor of a specific group or person.
Corporate ($5,000)
A corporate-sponsored table is up-to two zoom break-out rooms for up to 12 people.
Purchased Table ($5,000) ($2,500, half-table)
A purchased table is a zoom break-out room for 6-12 people of the choosing of the purchaser.
Presenting Sponsor ($25,000)
The Presenting Sponsor will receive the highest sponsorship recognition at the event.
A Presenting Sponsored Table is up-tp five (5) zoom break-out rooms for up to 12 people.
Open and share the full list of Sponsorship Opportunities for the 2021 Peace Dove Gala.
All Sponsors, Corporate and Individual, will be recognized on RAGFP Website and Social Media, welcomed at the Gala by the MC, recognized by name in the Event Program, and have their name on the Break-out Room.
Presenting Sponsor
The Presenting Sponsor’s Corporate name will be attached to the Gala in all marketing materials.
Special After Event Party
All sponsors are invited to attend an exclusive After-Gala Party to mingle with award winners and RAGFP board members.
Please contact Development Officer Wendy Mitchell for additional information and to purchase a Sponsor Table. You may also go directly to our Website rotaryactiongroupforpeace.org/ to purchase a Table.

Share the 2021 Peace Dove Gala with your Rotary and Peacebuilding networks. Please see the documents below to download and share with the peacebuilders in your life.
Let a peacebuilder know that you’ve nominated them as a 2021 RAGFP Peace Dove.
Share with your friends, family, and networks that you’ve been nominated as a 2021 RAGFP Peace Dove.