Former MP, half a year as a activist of the international peace movement Iikka Taipale (SD), greeted the video with Russian and US presidents. According to the story, the video depicted on the balcony of the Old Student House is a salute of the Finnish Peace Movement to Trump and Putin.
– I held a long speech at President Ronald Reagan’s visit to Finland in neighbor Peru at Perunator. The most suitable place is the Old Student House, which has a historic significance due to the events of 1968. It could be said that this is also a greetings to the world peace movement because the nuclear issue concerns the whole world, says Taipale.
In his speech, Taipale tells President Trump that with his colorful speech he opened the Pandora magazine and let go of the ghost of nuclear disarmament.
The parquet floor is already the second in Taipalee. The last time he spoke at the Helsinki Workers’ Lounge on 26 November. 2017. At the Workplace’s balcony, one hundred years before the Break was spoken by only the future Soviet dictator Josif Stalin and about eighty years later, SDP’s former MP Arja Alho.
The video can be selected in English or in Finnish:
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