July 14, 2015


Patrick Hiller, Executive Director, War Prevention Initiative

philler[at] (541 490 4485)

Statement on the Iran Nuclear Deal – Support for its implementation 

Portland, OR – The War Prevention Initiative strongly supports the deal reached by Iran and the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, China, France and Germany (P5+1). We urge Congress to support the Obama administration’s agreement which strongly stands on principles of multilateral, negotiated agreements based on oversight and control.

“The Iran Nuclear Deal is an important step where political leaders have recognized what peace and conflict researchers long have proven to be true”, said Patrick Hiller, Executive Director of the War Prevention Initiative. “We are more secure through diplomacy and negotiated agreements because they are superior to military intervention and war in achieving the stated outcomes for all parties. Now it is up to the American people to convince their representatives that this deal needs to be implemented. There still are strong voices in Congress that have been continuously advocating against the deal and in support of military options. We cannot afford more wars and their guaranteed failures.”

We believe this deal will open pathways beyond nuclear nonproliferation and sanctions relief. We can expect more cooperation, improved relationships and lasting agreements between the P5+1 and Iran, as well as other regional and global actors. A more constructive US foreign policy will engage with Iran without the threat of war. Foreign policy issues around Syria, Iraq, Yemen, oil, or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict can only be addressed constructively when Iran is an involved participant in creating a path forward.


The War Prevention Initiative, a program of the Jubitz Family Foundation, envisions a world beyond war by 2030 and humanity united by a global system of peace with justice. For more information visit



Patrick T. Hiller, Ph.D.

Director ‘War Prevention Initiative’ Jubitz Family Foundation


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