The Rotarian Action Group for Peace has concluded our election to fill four vacancies on our Board of Directors. The term of office is three years, commencing July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018.

Elections information: 

All “Members in Good Standing” (i.e. current on membership dues) were sent a ballot on April 3 and voting concluded on Wednesday, April 29, 2015.

See the full list of candidates here.

Meet the new Rotarian Action Group for Peace Board Members

Chair, Rotary Peace Fellow Integration Committee

Ann Frisch, PhD Rotary Club of St. Paul (Minnesota, USA), District 5960

Candidate statement: My interest in being a Board member of Rotarian Action Group for Peace is in promoting the active presence and nonpartisan involvement of Rotarians in civilian based peace processes responding to armed conflict in their own communities, as well as encouraging Rotarians to support human rights defenders and to do conflict sensitive development.

My work in coordinating the first District Grant to train Rotarians in the armed conflict in Southern Thailand was greatly facilitated by members of Rotarian Action Group for Peace. I am very much interested in further deepening that work; and in building models for other Rotarians to do nonviolent, nonpartisan and grassroots based peacemaking. My presentation at the upcoming Rotary International Convention in Sao Paulo with RAGFP Members Brian Farr, Erin Thomas and Gustavo Vallejo, is a move in that direction. If elected to the role of Rotary Peace Fellow Integration chair, I would work to bring Peace Fellows into this work.


Chair, Communications and Social Media Committee

Nurul Kabir Rotary Club of Dhaka (Bangladesh), District 3281

Candidate statement: Nurul Kabir has been involved in Rotary in Bangladesh and Global forums since October 2001 focusing on information & communications technology (ICT), websites, social media, peace and club building. He led the premier Rotary club of Bangladesh as its 75th President.

Nurul was Chairman of District 3281 Website, ICT and Social Media Committee 2007-2015. He serves RI District 3281 as Assistant Governor 2014-15; Assistant Board Member of RGHF for Zone 6B and Member of the Global technology team of RGHF. He is the District Coordinator for Rotary Club Central and Chairman District web portal, Showcase and Social Media 2015-16; Deputy Governor, Strategic Planning 2015-16; and Additional District Secretary & District Training Team Member 2013-14. He was awarded RI Club Builders Award for organizing a new club 2014-15.

Nurul was Chief Coordinator of Rotary Peace Conference Bangladesh 2015. He is Senior Adviser to the World Cafe Committee at 2015 Rotary Peace Symposium; and Demonstrator of Rotary PeaceHub at 2015 RI Convention’s Building Peace With Economic Development breakout session.

Apart from Rotary, Mr. Kabir serves on Global Advisory Council of Your Public Interest Registry (operator of .org, .ngo & .ong domain names) for 2012-2015. He has 26+ years of experience with a leading role in the fields of e-Development, Telecom, ICT4D, Software & IT services development. He is a national ICT expert and contributed to Bangladesh’s National ICT & Telecom Policy.


Chair, Partnerships Committee

Fred Gregory – Rotary Club of Newberg (Oregon, USA), District 5100

Candidate statement: I have been a member of Rotary in Newberg, Oregon since 2009. Prior to accepting a position and George Fox University in 2009, most of my adult life has been spent in international humanitarian work, working on finding ways to create safe, self-sustaining communities of people in some of the most difficult places in the world. I began my career in 1966 as a conscientious objector to war working for an NGO consortium in Vietnam working with war affected people.

After receiving a Masters of Education degree from the University of Oregon, I returned to humanitarian work working both in inner city work in Portland and internationally.

My work in headquarter’s leadership positions of International NGOs has always focused on finding ways to collaborate with other like-minded organizations in order to maximize the desired outcomes that we each sought. I was a Peace Corps Country Director in Uzbekistan and Bangladesh where I was known for creating positive relationships with program partners, be they local NGOs or government bodies. Currently, I am working as the director an international summit on nutrition sponsored by OHSU bringing world class scientists together with international nutrition field practitioners for the first time to have a conversation as to how to better work together.


Chair, Global Grants Committee

Warren Banks – Member of United Services Rotary Club (e-Club originates in Southern California, and candidate lives in Portland, Oregon USA), District 5340

Candidate statement: Member of the Rotary Club of Portland (OR) and the International Service Committee since August 5, 2002. From 2006-2010 served as Chair of this committee. During tenure, the committee originated or participated in Matching Grants totaling over US $1 million, with an average leverage of club funds of more than 8:1. Rotary Club of Portland has led or participated in grants in more than 10 countries.

From 2007-2010 led District Training Assembly module for International Service for 4 District Assemblies. Continues to serve as a District resource for Matching Grants (now Global Grants) and District Grant writing.

Attended all District Training Assemblies and District Conferences from 2003 to date and led a very popular international service module at the 2009 District Conference. Participated in two District Partners in Service conferences and in the training available to me as spouse of a District Governor (GNATS, GETS and International Assembly), and prior to that, as club president. Accompanied spouse, DG Deniel Banks, on all club visits and functions during 2012-13. Have attended Rotary International Conventions in Copenhagen, New Orleans, Thailand and Lisbon.

Involved in District 5100 peace activities from 2012. Provided introduction to Portland Police Bureau through Commander of the Central Precinct, which led to 2 Portland Police Bureau officers being chosen to attend Rotary Peace Certificate program. Wrote summary of District peace activities.

2006-2015: Have travelled annually to Central American countries for Uniendo America Project fairs, and follow up on grants and projects by the Rotary Club of Portland (Guatemala, Costa Rica and Honduras).