In response to Typhoon Haiyan, it is important to examine the connection between climate change and peacebuilding.

There is a growing realization and a sense of urgency, in both governments and civil society around the world, that, as a species, we must collectively respond to climate change. Social justice and environmental sustainability are now seen as key variables in achieving a livable planet. Often forgotten is the third critical variable in this equation, a sustainable peace. Just as we must support sustainable ecosystems and socio-political systems, so must there be support for the creation of a sustainable architecture of peace. Without an ability to transform conflict by peaceful means, we will be unable to create just societies or positively transform our relationship to the natural world and our life-support systems. In most discourse on climate change, peace is seen as an outcome, rather than as a dynamic variable that conditions and helps determine that outcome. This talk will consider the importance of peacebuilding in addressing climate change.

IdeaWave is an annual conference held in Victoria, British Columbia, on Vancouver Island to allow critical thinkers in the community to come together to share ideas and build relationships.

This talk by Saul Arbess, Ph.D. makes the connection between climate change and peacebuilding. He is a cultural anthropologist and futurist dedicated to building a new architecture of peace in Canada and Canada in the world. He is also the National Co-chair, Canadian Department of Peace Initiative (CDPI), working in concert with other countries including the US, the UK, Australia, Japan and several countries in Africa, to create departments of peace in all nations. There are 12 chapters across Canada.

See the video here. (Scroll down for the video.)